Background to the Study
The first newspaper to be published was a daily news-sheet called actadium (daily event) which was in Rome around 15BC. This was followed by Dibao published in China in which caved wooden block were used in printing it during 700AD. Latter on newsletter and news sheet. (Official News sheet) 1500s and notizic scrite appeared which were posted up in public places in Vanice. They could be read on a payment of a coin as a reward called Gazzeta which became the common name for early newspaper. However, the first regularly printed news-sheet called Avisa Relation ordezertung came on stage around 1609 in Germany. It was followed by the weekly frank - fauta it is a journal which was regarded as a world fist real newspaper in the year 1615, by Egonolphelmel Germany.
Then many countries began to have their own newspaper such as Dandan skemercius,. Denmark, the weekly news in England the Gazzeta de Mexico. In Mexico the courant in Netherland the Gozzeta in Spain and the ordinaire - postitinde in Sweden, vie domost in Russia the Halifax in Denmark, the Chrotain intelligent sedler in Norway, lagaceta de santaein in Colombia, and world in India, India.
Then many countries began to have their own newspaper such as Dandan skemercius,. Denmark, the weekly news in England the Gazzeta de Mexico. In Mexico the courant in Netherland the Gozzeta in Spain and the ordinaire - postitinde in Sweden, vie domost in Russia the Halifax in Denmark, the Chrotain intelligent sedler in Norway, lagaceta de santaein in Colombia, and world in India, India.
Since then, series of newspaper began to' reveal themselves. Around 1797, newspaper become so comprehensive and widely circulated around the world some good examples are: The time published in Britain Noverzor Cherzeitung in Switzerland, the lapremise in Argentina, the daily telegraph and Manchester Guardian were also among the famous newspaper in England around 1800s. The mid 1800s, newspaper were able to cover news through out the world more quickly after invention of the electric telegraph and introduction of internal cable. Newspaper production was up by the Invention of votary printing.
Also in Africa Ghana was the first country to own a newspaper of its own in the year 1857. The newspaper was called the West Africa Herald. While in Nigeria the first newspaper in Nigeria was published in the year 1850, called IwehIrohin. But in French speaking Africa ledaire Cote divoire began in 1935 and Congo (Zaire) witnessed its independence Africa Newspaper only in Lasa. When Nigeria gained her national independence in 1960, it had an array of colorful newspaper such as. The Africa Pilot, the Daily Time, Eastern Time and Comment among others.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
This research, the relevance of newspaper in enhancing reading ability among students cannot be over emphasized. Although as result of poor background of English language and lack of interest in reading newspaper, we may not know the usefulness of this medium, but newspaper play a paramount role in development of ones reading ability, vocabulary development particularly language students.
Therefore, reading ability remains one of the cardinal aspects of language skill. With ongoing technological advancement, more occupation require higher level of education, or special training for which reading ability is vital and essential to the students, in fact in every aspect of life reading ability is very vital.
1.3 Research Question
I am a final year undergraduate student of English language writing my research on relevance of newspaper in advancing reading ability among students of English language. For this reason I am requesting you to please answer the following questions.
1. What level are you?
2. Do you read newspapers?
3. What kind of newspapers?
4. What time or period do you read newspapers?
5. How often do you read newspaper?
6. Do you comprehend what you read?
7. Do you have favorite newspaper?
8. How do you find reading newspaper?
9. Do you consider reading newspaper as part of education?
10. Do you agree that newspaper contains some element of education?
11. Do you obtained some education benefit from reading newspaper?
12. Do you agree that reading newspaper enhance reading ability?
13. Why some students find reading newspaper difficult?
14. Comment freely on the project topic?
1.4 Objectives of the study
The aims and objectives of this research is to be useful to our younger ones and also to be something that can encourage students to be very interested in reading newspaper, like wise to know the importance of reading newspaper in every aspects of life, and their educational programmes.
1.5 Significance of the study
The significance of this study is to encourage students particularly student of language to read newspapers. And also to find out relevant explanation to the reason or problem why students have lack of interest in reading newspaper, and also why students do not make any effort in using knowledgeable element found in newspaper, which will enhance their reading ability. And also to put it in mind particularly a student of language that reading newspapers enhances reading ability and increase their level of creativity. Also to bring critical discussion and analyzing education materials in newspaper, that can be beneficial to the student of language. The work will also be a great benefit for future researcher newspapers, the department and knowledge seekers.
1.6 Research Hypothesis
In this work, there are two hypothesis in mind, which will be proved or disapproved at the end of the research.
(1) Reading newspaper enhances one’s reading ability
(2) There is relation between reading newspaper and reading ability
1.7 Scope and Delimitation
Due to enormous number of the students the scope and limit of this study will be restricted to some selected UGII students of English Language of Usmanu, Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. Therefore the attention will only focus on the research area.
1.8 Definition of Operational Terms.
Relevant: Having ideas that valuable and useful to people.
Enhance: To increase or further improve the good quality, value or status of something.
Ability: To do something 'the fact that somebody is able to do. Array:Away of organizing and storing related data in a computer
Paramount: More important than anything else.
Enormous: Extremely large
Dissemination: To spread information or knowledge so that it reaches many people.
Sphere: A solid figure that is completely round, with every point on its surface at an equal distance from the centre.
Tabloid: A newspaper with small pages reputable: that people consider to be honest and provide a good service.
Elaborate: Very implicated and detailed; carefully prepared
Decode: To find the meaning of something especially something that is written.
Anticipation: The fact of seeing that something might happen in the future and perhaps doing something about it.
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